Welcome to Seabrook Seventh-day Adventist Church! We’re so glad you found us. Our church is open to the public and offers in-person and online resources to help anyone who is seeking a deeper relationship with God and a more fulfilling way of life. Whether you’re curious about Christianity, or have followed Jesus your whole life, we invite you to join us as we journey to greater faith and friendship with God. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to meet you!

JIMMY MUNOZDiscipleship Pastor
NATALIE ROBERTSYouth & Young Adult Pastor

About Us

We specialize in bringing people together to share the joys and challenges of growing in faith and helping them develop a love for Jesus that can’t be contained.

Our Mission

SERVE our neighbor, INVITE them into a relationship with Jesus Christ and EMPOWER them to reach others.

We show our love by meeting people at their need. Faith-based classes, professional counseling, health programs and youth activities are just some of the ways we use our efforts to help bring about emotional, physical, and spiritual transformation in people’s lives. We also partner with numerous businesses, schools, and local organizations to assist them in their various missions of public service. As we build relationships within our church and community, we take every opportunity to introduce as many as possible to their ultimate friend, Jesus

We Believe…

  • in a personal God who loves the world and everyone in it. (John 3:16-17)
  • in Jesus Christ, as the Son of God and our Savior. (John 1:1-3,14; John 3:16.)
  • in the Holy Spirit of God sent to comfort and guide us. (John 14:26)
  • that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16)
  • that all who are broken can be renewed by accepting Jesus Christ’s invitation to a new life. (John 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • in baptism as a symbol of taking on a new life. (Romans 6:3-5)
  • that God has given us the Ten Commandments to help us relate to Him and each other in healthy ways. (Exodus 20:1-17)
  • that God set aside the seventh day of the week, Saturday, as a day to spend time with God and others, and rest from the stresses of the work week. (Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20: 8-10)
  • in adopting a healthy lifestyle and discarding unhealthy practices such as the use of intoxicants, tobacco, and unclean meats. (Genesis 1:29; Proverbs 23: 29-32; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; Deuteronomy 14:3-20)
  • that faith in God and His Son, Jesus Christ, is what restores us to a new and eternal life. (Ephesians 2:8)
  • that the second coming of Jesus Christ is very near and will be literal, personal and visible to all. (John 14:1-3; Matthew 24:30)
  • That death is a part of life in this world, but all who accept Jesus Christ and His invitation to a new life will rise again to eternal life when Jesus returns. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)