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International Day is back. This Sabbath August 26th please join us for a powerful weekend of celebration.

The highlights are as follows:

Sabbath August 26th: The Parade of Nations & a powerful message by Guest Speaker Pastor Paul Graham. In the evening beginning at 5pm there will be a spectacular Gospel Concert with a variety of noted artists.

Sunday August 27th: Taste of Seabrook, Vendors galore & amusements for the kiddoes. Come & enjoy a sampling of scrumptious foods from all over the globe. There will also be vendors with a variety of items for perusal & sale. Finally there will be a bouncy house for the kiddies. Tickets are $20.00 for Adults & $10.00 for children 12 years of age & under.

COVID knocked International Day off the calendar for a few years but now we’re back. Come out, enjoy the weekend with us & help us to make this International Weekend the best ever!

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